How many people pray, fast, sing, attend churches, but do not make the decisions that would give them life? You will hear ‘I know what I need to do’… If you know, what don’t you do it, then? Many people know this verse: “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live”. Most believers tend to ignore the context or things that surround whatever God says. This shows us how ignorant we choose to remain, instead of grabbing the full revelation of the Lord that transforms. My brother, my sister, we cannot ignore what comes before this verse, as the Lord says: “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you”. This phrase is key to whatever we choose to do. That is the reason why, whenever we do things that are not bringing life, death (physical or spiritual) follows.
You get only what you decided. You cannot postpone your decision until tomorrow while asking God to bless you today! Looking into the story on Naomi (Ruth 1:6-18), after she had lost her husband and children, Naomi DECIDED “where she was going to go” from this point in her life. Sometimes, we are in a position where nothing works, where we acknowledge we have taken a wrong turn… so all we need to do is to make a decision that is aligned with the Word of God…
You see, Naomi lost everything that was important for her, and despite the fact that nothing stopped her from returning to Bethlehem-Judah, she continued to endure hardships in a pagan land, Moab. My friend, God’s prescription for restoration is simple: IF you will humble yourself, seek His face and turn from your wicked ways… THEN He will forgive your sins and heal your land (2 Chronicles 7:14). One day, Naomi, the prodigal son, David and many others understood that and were restored. Whatever you are going through, whether it was caused by your own doing or someone’s, it is your own decision that can remove you from it. Naomi, followed her husband to Moab and she did right, but she decided to put an end to the hardships she had been going through by deciding to return to the land of bread. No matter what has happened to you, returning to the land of bread and praise (turning back to CHRIST ALONE) is a decision only you can make. How? REALISE that where you are now is not good for you in anyway; REPENT instead of accusing or finding faults in others; REFOCUS your attention on Christ, the bread of life instead of yourself or your circumstances; RETURN home and stop wandering away from the presence of the Lord… the Decision is yours and heaven and earth are watching you.
As we are on earth and God took the earth as His witness, no matter what we do on earth, it will not be favourable to us until we submit to the Lord who gives commands to the earth! That is why the Word reminds us: “Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please”. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.