TODAY’S MEDITATION – You have the choice! (John 4:34)

A computer can be programmed to respond at your command. If you condition a dog with rewards and punishments, you can teach the dog to obey. My brother, my sister, whether you are a parent or not, you may know that children are not easily taught. The fact is that, from babyhood, every individual has a will and must choose to submit, to follow the instructions of those who have authority over them. Surely, discipline is part of the process of our spiritual walk, growth and maturity: the same as every boy or girl should know that they will reap the consequences of disobedience, so should all believers, because they are the children of God!

You see, the Bible tells us from Genesis to Revelation that God’s children must learn to obey their heavenly Father. It is so difficult for some of us to already obey our earthly parents that we see… how much more God! And the fact and truth is that, though God created man in His image, from Genesis to Revelation, God allows man to choose between God and himself, between good and evil. And just like any Father will warn His children, He continues to recall to us that there is an inevitable future judgment against idolatry, rebellion and indifference. Most people recall the passage of Jesus on earth as the Messiah… But how many remember on the daily basis that Jesus said: “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” (John 4:34)

My friend, why are you on earth for? Jesus knew why He was on earth for and He clearly stated it. Today, as a Christian, you participate in the been adopted by God the Father: “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father'”. (Romans 8:15). Therefore, commit yourself to obey God, whatever, wherever and whenever He asks. Why? Because the child who wants to eat in the house of His Father IS in the house of the Father, and he is faithful to Him. When the prodigal son left his father’s house, his identity did not change, but he started feeding on pig’s food. To be able to sit and eat again at the house of his father, he had to make a choice: return to his father and choose to eat at his father’s table… but also to enjoy the abundant goods of the father. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.