There is some great misconception, especially among new converts, about how to serve the Lord. Many people want to serve God with one hand turned towards Him while the other hand is still doing what they like, what they want to do… And the greatest mistake here is that they will tell you they are doing all that for the glory of God! No… my brother, my sister, God wants your all! He wants to use your entire body to serve Him, not only parts of it. He has come to dwell in your body when you accepted Christ and He wants you to serve Him with the three parts He created you (soul, body, spirit). So, to truly serve Him you have to do it with your soul by renewing your mind through the meditation of His Word, with your spirit by praying without ceasing and with your body by walking in the spirit and denying the flesh. If both can be easier to do, the last one is difficult because we tend to be attached to things we see or things we have already achieved (remember in Matthew 19:20 – the rich man who became sad because Jesus told him: “go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me”). For the Lord to be glorified in your life, He may want you to everything and be able to say, without regret: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ”( (Philippians 3:8). My friend, if you feel pain today while serving the Lord, it may be because you are still too much attached to things the Lord may want you to give up, so that He can start from scratch with with, so that He can truly be glorified in your life. God does not share His glory, and while you are doing things with one hand and the other hand is allowing Him to do the other things, you cannot experience His restoring power, His healing power, His full blessing… Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]