As a believer you are precious to God for “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” (Psalm 103:13). My brother, my sister, know that anyone who treats you unkindly is touching God the same way. In today’s passage He says: “for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye” (verse 8). Anyone who harms you is harming God the same way. Jesus said when we help others we are helping Him; we we neglect or abuse others, we are neglecting or abusing Him (Matthew 25:34-36). Therefore we should be careful the way we treat fellow believers or people in general… all human beings are the creation of God! My friend, you are precious in God’s sight (Isaiah 43:4), so don’t let anyone ever tell you any thing different: God created you and loves you the way you are, with your shortcomings, your disabilities and He loves you with all His heart. You see, even believers tend to forget that God gives us the breath of life and that most of the time we are the ones separating ourselves from God when we let other things we deem important get in the way between us and Him or by trying to do things our own way without regards to what God wants, while He wants to spend eternity with us, have fellowship with us, hold conversations with us, provide for us, bless us and give us our heart’s desires. My friend, today realise how precious you are to the Lord and thank Him, worship Him, adore Him and renew your trust in Him and believe in Christ so that He can continue the good works He started in you. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]