Many believers ignore the status they have in the eyes of God, as co-heir of Christ. Today, let’s learn from Nehemiah who was a common man (a cup-bearer) but that God has enabled to serve the King. Indeed, Nehemiah had little power, but he was a man of great influence. Why? Because the gracious hand of the Lord was on him… and he knew it. My brother, my sister, do you know that the hand of the Lord is on you? So why do you live a mourning life instead of a joyful life? From today, bear in your mind that God is still working through His children to accomplish impossible tasks. But for Him to be able to use you, He needs to shape your personality with characteristics, experiences and training that prepare you for His purpose. Yes, you may not know what God has in store for you or what He wants to do with you today. Then trust Him who created you, because He cannot make mistakes or fail you. You may think that you are not in the kind of position Nehemiah was to be used by God, and therefore you may not have his unique abilities. But there are at least two wayd you can make yourself available for God to use you: first, TALK TO GOD: welcome Him into your thoughts and share your concerns, your feelings and dreams to Him. Secondly, WALK WITH GOD: put what you learn from His Word into action. God may have an impossible mission He wants to accomplish through you for His glory right now. Unless like Nehemiah, you constantly combine prayer with preparation and planning, God cannot use you powerfully. So often, we pray without looking for what God wants us to do. It is only when our prayers are aligned with our thoughts, preparation and efforts that God can see we are truly serious, then He can entrust us with His missions. Just think a minute: would you trust someone you know never accomplishes anything any serious business? Would you trust someone who say things and never do them any serious business? would you trust someone who does things that come to their mind without thinking any serious business? So why would God trust us while we have not yet understood that working for the Kingdom IS a serious business? Yes, just the fact that you always arrive late to your church service is enough for God to see you are not serous enough about His own business yet! My friend, take one little step at a time, but don’t remain a common person before the Lord. In Christ Jesus, you are already set apart… make yourself visible to God by distinguishing yourself from the lot through fervent prayers and making your body and your mind available, then He will use you mightily according to His plan. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]