All Christians around the world look very different from one another, and they can hold widely varying opinions and beliefs about the society, politics, lifestyle, and even theology… But, there is one central belief that unites and inspires all true Christians: JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD! Yet, this knowledge seems to be very little understood by many believers who continue to live as if the Resurrection has no real meaning. My brother, my sister, the Resurrection is important for you and you should remember that every day. First because, when Christ rose from the dead, it was to enable our world to head for redemption, no longer for disaster. Secondly, the Resurrection of Christ means that God’s mighty power is at work destroying sin, creating new lives and preparing us for Jesus’s second coming. Yes, through the Resurrection , death has been conquered and you, too, will be raised from the dead to live forever with Christ… Alleluia… What great news, my friend! Besides, the Resurrection of Christ is what gives authority to the church’s witness in the world and today, like the people who followed Jesus on the Emmaus Road, we break bread with our risen Lord, for He has come in power to save us. Today, I want to remind someone that the resurrection of Christ helps us find real meaning in our lives and even during hardships or great tragedy. So, no matter what is happening to you, my friend, as you walk with the Lord, the Resurrection gives you hope for the future and assures you that Christ is alive and ruling His Kingdom, where you have been adopted. Yes, Christ is not a legend, He is alive and real and God’s power that brought Him back from the dead is available to you so that you can live for Him in this evil world. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.