The disciples had been fishing all night. They had done all they could do. They knew the best fishing holes. They were experts at their trade, but they still had no fish. They were at the end of what they could do. Their resources were all spent. That’s when Jesus showed up. My brother, my sister, it is when we reach the point where we give up ourselves to God that God often shows up, to start something new.
My friend, most of the time, we are the ones stopping the Lord from acting, because we keep trying, trying and trying. What is interesting is that we know how to be persistent in stubbornness, in things that do not work, in things that are taking us no where. But we fail to be persistent with the Word of God’s teachings. Nevertheless, it is when we come to the end of our resources and realise our weakness that we give in to God. And then He can do something. Two drivers cannot drive the same car, just like two women cannot give birth to the same baby. There are things where God does not need our input, He only needs us to allow Him to take control. Yes, when we want things to change in our lives, we must just turn the control completely over to the Lord and forget about our personal qualities, qualifications, abilities or success. When we want God to do something new in our lives, we must first realise that we cannot do anything on our own anyway and we should be determined to do whatever He wants us to do.
Yes, my friend, when we stop trying to make things happen and let the Lord have His way, amazingly, that is when things begin to happen. Why? Because the Lord is the God of new beginnings! When we come to the end of us, we come to the beginning of God. When we come to the end of what we can do, that is when we are ready to see what God can do. May be you have been fishing all night or for years but you have still not caught a fish, are you willing and determined to start afresh with the Lord today? If so, you must first abandon yourself to His know-how by listening and obeying Him, then He will fulfil His part with a fresh new beginning. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.