When we read this passage, we tend to think it is for people who have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus, especially because he says: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” (verse 7). My brother, my sister, it is true that the Lord talks to people when He is calling them. He also speaks to those who have already accepted Him. However, how many do hear His voice but harden their hearts?
The fact is that, many believers turn their back to their promised rest in Christ. How? When the difficulties of the present time strike and overshadow the reality of God’s promises, we tend to begin to doubt that the Lord will fulfill His promises in our lives, which sometimes leads many to turn their back to the Promised Land, like the people of Israel did in the time of Moses. Yes, when you start trusting your own efforts instead of believing in the power of Christ, you turn your back on him. That is the reason why people work restlessly, looking for more money, more security, etc.
The main problem today is that many believers combine their knowledge with faith, they know many things about Christ, but they do not know Him personally, and their hearts are hardened by their knowledge. However, a heart that resists God’s Word also rejects the rest offered by the Lord, which is a foretaste of our future eternal joy. My friend, just look at the creation: God himself rested the seventh day, not because He was tired, but to enjoy the completion of creation! You are a Christian, but you have excessive debts or you juggle with more than one job, just because you want more money, a bigger house, more security? When are you going to rest to enjoy the creation that God has made available for you?
Every day the Lord gives you the opportunity to enter His place of rest, which can happen only when you stop trying to create an imitation of His resting place to satisfy your personal ambition. Even with all the money you want to have today, you will never find true rest, because there is only one rest in Christ, and it is the one that comes from Christ when you obey His principles. Yes, For everything you desire God has established principles, follow them and you will see His power at work in your life. You want more money to start resting? (Malachi 3:10-11). Do you want healing to begin to rest? (2 Chronicles 7:14). Is prosperity and good health that you are looking for? (3 John 1:2). You want to have children? Follow Hannah’s example (1 Samuel). You want a breakthrough? (Proverbs 4: 25-27)… Yes, my friend anything you want in this life comes as a promise in the Word of God, but for you to possess these promises, you must accept the terms and conditions of God. So do your part, He will surely do His and give you rest sooner than you think! Our God is faithful and it is in His will that you find rest in Christ in this life. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.