TODAY’S MEDITATION – What’s God’s cure for discouragement? (Ezekiel 21)

Discouragement is defined as a loss of confidence or enthusiasm; it is a form of spiritual low spirits from loss of hope or courage! My brother, my sister, no matter how important our work or how significant our ministry is, we all have moments of discouragement. In our walk with the Lord, we will be discouraged. In our personal lives, we will be discouraged. What has been discouraging you? Today, listen to God’s answer and cure to discouragement.

Ezekiel was sent to Israel to warn them of God’s anger because the people were worshiping idols and giving gifts to God at the same time. Ezekiel became exasperated and discouraged because many Israelites were complaining that he spoke only in riddles, so they refused to listen (Ezekiel 20:49). Yes, anyone who does not want to listen the truth that comes from God will hear it in riddles only. But what we are interested in today is that God did not answer Ezekiel’s plea. Instead, He gave Ezekiel another message to proclaim.

My friend, what has been discouraging you? Have you felt like giving up? Instead, continue doing what God has told you to do. He promises to reward the faithful: “The Lord rewards everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness” (1 Samuel 26:23). Yes, God’s cure for discouragement may be another assignment, because it is in serving others, even in adversity, that we may find the renewal and the strength that we need. Therefore, if you are discouraged and end up giving up on what you were doing, consider you have also gone away from God’s will. Our God is not a God who gives up! He carries His plans to the end! That is why His answer is the same He gave the prophet Elijah when He wanted to die: He did not even answer Elijah’s complaint, but gave Him another mission (1 Kings 19:4-14). The same, after His resurrection, Jesus did not tell the discouraged disciples who had been fishing all night long without catching a fish to return home and rest, to leave the place they were to look for a better place where there were going to be more fish (some people mistakenly think that their lives would be better if they leave their spouse because things are not as they would like or that if they go to another church, they will find the solutions they are looking for – yet it is the same Holy Spirit who works through any church that is under the authority of Jesus Christ). In fact, Jesus told the disciples to continue fishing on the same boat, but only to cast their nets on the other side (John 21:1-6).

My friend, if the disciples had listened to their discouragement, they would not have listened to Jesus. The Lord is asking us to keep moving, and to listen to Him because He knows the right to remedy our weaknesses, He knows the right solution to our problems, He knows the unseen, He knows the future. Once discouragement wins you, you will automatically return to the past or stagnate in your spiritual life, which will affect your physical life. But the will of God is that “we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18), and His glory is found in our steady faithfulness in doing what He is asking us to do. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.