As we approach the time of the celebration of Easter, every Christian should take this time to reflect on the meaning of the Resurrection. My brother, my sister, the world has perverted things by making this time a time to celebrate Easter eggs while making the birth of Christ the greatest Christian festival. So it is up to us the Christians of today to restore the truth because we are called Christians, not because of the birth of Christ, but rather because of the Cross! Besides, the Resurrection is the basis for the church’s witness to the world. So, let’s read the Word to understand it and know how to prepare for this moment. The Bible says that an angel announced the good news of the Resurrection to the women by giving them four messages (Matthew 28:5-7) that should be our inspiration, not in this time only but also throughout our Christian walk:
1) DO NOT BE AFRAID (verse 5) – My friend, the reality of the resurrection brings joy, not fear. Why are you afraid to follow Jesus with all your heart? It is not because the tomb is empty that you should ask yourself questions like these women. In the contrary, the empty tomb is the greatest hope that you have been given by God.
2) HE IS NOT HERE (verse 6) – Jesus is not dead and He is not to be looked for among the dead. He is alive and He is with those who have accepted Him, those who gave their lives to Him.
3) COME AND SEE (verse 6) – This invitation is for you who are seeking the Lord with all your heart; as these women who were looking for Him in the tomb, you have to experience the resurrection, for today’s empty tomb allows you to be saved tomorrow, if and only if you believe and you are truly seeking Jesus with all your heart.
4) GO QUICKLY AND TELL (verse 7) – Once you have believed and seen evidence of the resurrection, it is your duty to spread the joy it brought into your life.
Yes, many believers live their Christian life selfishly. That is certainly not Christian. My friend, if you believed and seen the evidence of the resurrection in your life, you have to get up and tell the wonders of the Lord so that others can also believe. Now imagine a second if the women who had received the angel’s announcement had not gone out to spread this Good News, where would you be today? Yes, the great news of the Good News of the resurrection must be spread to the ends of the earth (Mark 16:15-16), so if you have understood this today, don’t ignore this truth any longer, get up and spread it everywhere your feet take you because that territory have been given to you by the Lord. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.