Many people give their lives to Christ every day! glory be to God for that. Yet, how many really know what happens to them once they do that? My brother, my sister, may be you have given your life to the Lord and have witnessed about His goodness. But do you really know what happens once you accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour? Now, this is the key verse that can explain that to you: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”. What does it mean? It simply means that when we trust Christ, we make an exchange: He takes our sin and makes us right with God. You see, our sin was laid on Christ on the cross. His righteousness is then transferred to us at our conversion. This is what Christians call Christ’ atonement for sin. In the world, bartering happens only when two people exchange goods of relatively the same value. But the Lord offers to trade His righteousness for our sin, which is something immeasurable worth for something completely worthless. How grateful we should be for Jesus’ goodness to us. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]