Life spares nobody problems and pressures. In this Psalm, we can see that even those who are especially close to God, as David was, also have moments when they want to escape from their problems and pressures. My brother, my sister, may be at this moment, you feel desperate and morally slaughtered like David and inside you are crying:
“Oh, that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest. Indeed, I would wander far off,
And remain in the wilderness.
I would hasten my escape
From the windy storm and tempest.”
My friend, let me tell you today that no matter what difficulty you are going through, there is an end time for it… Remember that no situation can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:35-37). Today, remember how patiently Jesus called and brought you to Himself, and how He has repeatedly pardoned all your defections, failings and turnings away from Himself, and all your foolish, sinful words and actions. Yes, His forbearance is so great that it has always brought you to repentance, setting your feet once again upon the rock of salvation, restoring your joy and communion with the Father, and hearing your prayers. So, what force or power could wrench you from Jesus’ affection, from his watching over you, from his standing near to you to hear your every cry? NONE. Therefore, get up, wipe your tears and speak back to the situation that is weighing on you and tell it that you have a God whose name is above all names, including the situation itself. Then stand still, and be encouraged today knowing that you are in the boat with Jesus… watch Him give you victory. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.