More Bible knowledge? Money? Marriage? A Better job? Well, My brother, my sister, then you have not understood that God does not ask for your ability. He only asks for your availability to use you. Indeed, it is such a blessing to know that God can use anyone of us who is willing to give Him ourselves, our time and our belongings. It is likewise thrilling to know that He takes what a person is and has an…d uses them for His glory. So often Christians bemoan about what they are not and what they do not have. They think that if they could sing better or speak like others, God could use them. However, God never demands of us more than who we are or what we have. And many Bible accounts are there to support the fact that God does not want you to give Him what you don’t have:
God used Shamgar with what he had: an ox-goad, (Judges 3:31)
He used David with what he had, a sling, (1 Samuel 17:40-58)
He used Samson with what he had: a donkey jawbone (Judges 15:16)
He used Rahab with what she had, a scarlet cord, (Joshua 2:18)
He used Mary with what she had: some perfume, (John 11:2)
He used Aaron with what he had: a rod, (Numbers 17:8)
He used Dorcas with what she had: a needle (Acts 9:36-43)
So, my friend, instead of fretting over what you are not, start giving Him all you are; instead of despairing over what you lack, all He is asking you is to give Him what you already have (read about the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:7-16). You see, Jesus CAN TRANSFORM WHAT WE HAVE into a more than sufficient supply to feed the multitude. People want to be blessed spiritually and physically, but they are not willing to give God what to multiply from.
Today, I invite you to read today’s passage that presents to us a woman who used her needle for God’s glory, and in so doing, embroidered her name into history. Her name is Tabitha or Dorcas. Let her be for you too an example of what true Christianity is and how God’s power is manifested. May the grace and peace of God our Father and of Jesus Christ who came to take away the sin of the world be with you. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.