Today we are celebrating a birth – not a death – the birth of the church of Christ, the birth of Christ in you and me, and in all who call on his name. My brother, my sister, this is a day when God’s long awaited promise came to pass: a significant day on which the first believers came alive in their faith, the day when the Rock upon which Christ planted his church began to support and uphold an incredible new life, a life that has existed since the world began, but which was poured out in a every flesh that believes in Christ.
My friend, the Pentecost is you and me becoming Christ’ ambassadors in the world. Yes, when you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit entered your life, and He will never leave you. In a sense, He’ is a guest you have invited to dwell in you by accepting Christ as your Lord and Saviour, so don’t let him in the front door. He is here to help you to pray (Romans 8:26), to communicate to others about Christ (Mark 13:11), to love (Galatians 5:22), and to do what is right (1 John 2:27). Just allow Him to take all the control He needs to act in you: you don’t get more of the Spirit; He gets more of you when He takes control and that is when He can use you powerfully. My friend, today, be ‘filled with the Spirit’ (Ephesians 5:18). He wants to change you, though your basic temperament remains the same. Paul, for example, was a very aggressive person before his conversion but the Spirit redirected all that emotional energy towards more positive ends, for him to serve Jesus. Being ‘filled with the Spirit’ simply means being controlled by him.
Are you supposed to ‘feel’ anything when the Spirit comes into your life? Yes and no. Some do, some don’t. But what matters the most is that the Spirit operates uniquely in each of us. Remember this he is like the wind: sometimes the wind comes as a hurricane, sometimes as a gentle breeze, so we can receive the Spirit of God in different ways. Today, only be grateful to know that you are not alone, that the Spirit in you is at work in you and through you. You may feel what He is doing or not, it does not matter. Allow Him to work in you and through you by opening your heart to God’s Word and doing what is right according to Him. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.