Today’s passage speaks about the Lord’s promise to restore us. My brother, my sister, for restoration to take place, something needs to be broken, out of order, or just not working anymore. The problem is that, most of the time we are going through physical difficulties and we ask God to help us. When you read this passage of Joel, you see that, in response to the sufferings of His people, the Lord promised to restor…e them by the outpouring of His forgiveness and blessings, which were going to come only if the people began to live as God wanted them to.
My friend, God has not changed. No matter what your situation is looking like, Jesus defeated death, so He can resurrect every dead thing in your life, if you want to do what pleases Him, if you want to abandon your sin. Where there is repentance, there is hope! This morning, let me remind you that there is Hope in Christ… and there is despair out of Christ. Be encouraged to return to the Lord today with a sincere heart to receive His forgiveness, His blessings and hope.
Many believers continue to choose to stay away from the amazing grace of God by the way they live and conduct themselves, and God can do nothing for them: He is fair and just in everything, and even in allowing the devil to crush us when we are playing on Satan’s field, He is just. Know that the Lord will reply… yes, He will answer you. It is a promise that will surely come in your life. But while waiting, you need to come back to a place He can see Christ in you. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.