TODAY’S MEDITATION – The Lord protects you against evildoers (Psalm 7)

Have you ever been falsely accused or so badly hurt that you wanted revenge? In this Psalm, David is reacting in response to slanderous accusations of those who claimed he was trying to kill Saul and seize the throne (1 Samuel 24:9-11). My brother, my sister, when you go through unfair or false accusations, instead of taking matters into your own hands and trying to strike back, always turn to the Lord. Why?

Firstly, because you will see that as you try to justify yourself, most of the time, the situation worsens. Secondly, keep in mind that God is sovereign and He can intervene and stop evildoers in their tracks by protecting His children from them; But also, sometimes, for reasons known to Him alone, He allows evil to affect us even though we are innocently hurt… Thirdly, because God says, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19) ; “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them” (Deuteronomy 32:35). My friend, during a time of great evil and injustice, don’t start crying, pitying yourself or looking for ways to mend their reputation. That’s not the right attitude of a Christian. In such times, you should rather be grateful that your Lord, who is just and fair, will bring justice and fairness.

How many times was Jesus falsely accused, my friend? Did you see Him justifying Himself? Has He done that, He might not have been crucified… and where would we be right now? So, when going through such tiles, why don’t ask yourself why the Lord has allowed this to happen to you instead? Remember Job, God allowed the devil to tempt him so he could know His faith in God and his integrity were strong enough for him to accept losing everything and refuse to curse God despite all. This is to tell you that you should rather turn your eyes onto Jesus for help and ask Him to teach you from the slanderous experience you are going through instead, for, the proper response to slander is prayer and trust in Him who bore that slander on the Cross: let Him to take up your case, to bring justice and restore your reputation. So today, if you feel you have been unfairly treated, ask the One who is always fair and just to be with you, then thank Him with all your heart for His presence and love. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

