TODAY’S MEDITATION – “The Lord granted you gifts to bring Him glory by building up others” (Acts 8:18-23).

In today’s world, we see that “everything has a price”. This is so true that in our world of bribes, wealth and materialism. In this we see that Simon thought he could buy the Holy Spirit’s power, but Peter harshly rebuked him. My brother, my sister, the only way to receive God’s power is to do what Peter told Simon to do: repent, ask God for forgiveness and be filled with His Spirit. No amount of money can buy salvation, forgiveness of sin or God’ power. All that can be gained only through repentance and belief in Christ as our Lord and Saviour. The problem in our churches today is that many believers behave like Simon: they want God’s power for selfish reasons, just to have power, to make money, or to gain prestige. My friends, God does not give us abilities to enhance our personal lives. Whatever gifts He grants you with is for you to bring Him and Him alone glory by building up the others. We always need to check our motives when asking the Lord for something. That is the reason why many of our prayers remain unanswered, my friends. Instead of sitting around wishing for talents or things we don’t have, let’s start spending our time serving God and others with the gifts we DO have so as to glorify the Lord. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

