In this passage that relates the persecution of the first Christians, we learn many times that persecution forced the believers our of their homes in Jerusalem, but along with them went the Good News. My brother, my sister, your suffering is not in vain and God will bring great results out of it.
Sometimes we must feel very uncomfortable before we move. We may not want to experience bad things, but the discomfort they may cause in our lives may also be the best thing to happen to us as God who allows everything may be working through our hurts. The problem is that we tend to forget that God is the Almighty who is in control of all the circumstances of our lives, although He does not necessarily cause every thing that happens to us. So when you are tempted to complain about uncomfortable or painful circumstances, stop and ask yourself rather whether God is not preparing you for a special task: great responsibilities are accompanied by great persecution. Indeed, persecution pushed the early Christians beyond the borders of Jerusalem towards Judea and Samaria, thus fulfilling Jesus’ command to go and make disciples all over the world. Sometimes we cry about a difficult situation, then something even worse happens to us that pushes us beyond our doors, beyond our comfort zone… The Lord said that He will never leave us and He will never forsake us. Thus, we must learn to see our current sufferings or present persecution as a means that God could use to push us beyond the limits we ourselves have placed before us, so we can not only spread the Good News but also enter His resting place, all for His glory in Christ Jesus. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.