Sometimes we don’t know what to say in front of someone or to defend our case before some sort of authorities. My brother, my sister, you may be well-educated, very eloquent and even succeed in getting what you want or always manage to get your way out of tricky situations by manipulating people or events (in other words through lies), but you can still lack the right words when you mostly need it. Let’s look at the disciples of Jesus to learn from them: they knew they could never get the upper hand in a religious dispute with the well-educated Jewish leaders, despite having spent three years of personal instruction and practical application by the Master of masters. Yes, they were prepared, but all that knowledge could not be enough.
My friend, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would give them appropriate words in their time of need. He promises the same thing to us too. That is why we should always pray for opportunities to witness for Christ, and then trust Him to help with our words. Of course, the promise of the Spirit’s help does not compensate for lack of preparation: do your part and the Spirit will do His part if given the control when you are in need! This explains to us why it is so important for us to study the Word of God: it’s actually to avoid us having unnecessary headaches, as through His Word, God brings His truths to mind when we most need them, helping us present them in the most effective way. He did it by putting the right words in the mouth of Moses (Exodus 4:15), Isaiah (Isaiah 51:16) and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:9) and many others to be able to stand before trials and tribulations, overcome obstacles or change impossible situations. He can and will do it with any of us as well… as much as you decrease to allow Jesus to increase in us. Yes, Spirit of the Lord is capable of teaching us all things we need to know in this life and remind us of everything Jesus taught us (John 14:26).
Do you need the right words to resolve a situation today? Ask the Holy Spirit! However, let me remind the people of God this vital truth: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13). If the Holy Spirit is submitted to the One who tells Him what to say to guide us, don’t you think that you yourself must first submit yourself to someone too? My friend, the Spirit of God will never forcibly take control of the life or reveal things hidden to someone when that person is unable to submit to the authority that God has placed before them (it does not mean that God cannot use that person to fulfil His purposes, just like He used Balaam the diviner in Numbers 22:1-35). The Spirit will first convince that person of their sin (John 16:8). It’s simple: God is a God of order… Yet many believers are fooling themselves and walking in rebellion with the assurance they hear from the “spirit”… which one? Certainly not the Holy Spirit! The direction of the Spirit of truth cannot be mingled with any rebellious heart. That is the reason why He will first lead us to repentance and to the renewal of our mind before He starts communicating the truths of God to us. That is why David prayed, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me”(Psalm 51:10). My friend, do you want the Holy Spirit to put the right words in your mouth, to guide your steps? It necessarily starts with your pure heart and the renewal of the spirit within you. Yes, The Spirit of God is willing to communicate the truths of God to us to make our lives more enjoyable in this fallen world. But are we able to receive them? Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.