TODAY’S MEDITATION – Tell the Lord about your true feelings and desires (Psalm 109)

At times, when we start praying, we find ourselves without words, not knowing how to express our deep feelings or desires to the Lord. That’s the time many people would start reading Psalms that match their state of mind. My brother, my sister, our Lord is a living God and we should learn to behave like David. Here, David was angry at being attacked by evil people who slandered him and lied about him. You see, David remained the friend of those people attacking him, but also, because he was a man of prayer, he did not try to take vengeance into his own hands: instead, he asked God to be swift in His promised judgment of evil people. Yes, while we must hate evil and work hard to overcome it, we must also love everyone, including those who do evil because God loves them. My friends, we are called to hate sin, but love the person who sins, and this is where most of us fail most of the time. As shown by David, if we ask the Lord for the strength to love evil doers, He will indeed give us what we need and even carry our burden for us. Know that when you are personally trying to deal with evil doers or people’s hatred, then you have forgotten that Jesus has already carried all those things for you on the cross. Focus onto the Sovereign Lord who has saved you by grace and tell Him about those feelings and desires that are deep inside you and are trying to weigh down your faith. He is the great healer, the great comforter and the great restorer. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

