Sometimes when evangelising people who seem reluctant to the Gospel, all we want to tell them is "taste and see that the Lord is good". Yes, my brother, my sister, have you personally tasted and seen how the Lord is good? What many believers do not know is that the Good News is to be spread through our own testimony of the Lord. Therefore, we should first taste and see the Lord's goodness to be able to share it. How can you sell a product you don't know, my friend? Will you ever be convincing? You see, it is the same for our Christian life! Now, let's clarify that "taste and see" does not mean to check out God's credentials. God is God, Sovereign in all things and there is no doubt about who He is and what He can do for us. So, tasting and seeing how good He is is a warm invitation for us to try Him because there is absolutely no doubt we will love whatever we find in Him. Yes, when we take that first step of obedience in following the Lord, we will discover His incomparable love, goodness and kindness, and as we grow in the knowledge of who He is, we will be changed from inside out, then be able to share Him and even transform lives around us. The sad truth about many new converts is that, as soon as they are converted, they want to convert everyone around them while they have not yet truly tasted and seen the goodness of the Lord personally. Hence, they always face people's rejection or resistance and get frustrated. Unfortunately, this truth does not only apply to new converts, as many believers in our churches have not yet truly tasted and seen the Lord's goodness and their testimonies of Him are based on what they see Him doing through or with others. My friend, Jesus is to be tasted and seen personally, individually but this requires your sincere submission to His teachings and commitment. Stay blessed in Jesus' name. [retweet] [facebook]