TODAY’S MEDITATION – Take time to glorify the Lord today! (1 Chronicles 16:28-29)

Praying all kinds of prayers is something we should do all the time. Unfortunately, my brother, my sister, we are so much swallowed by the world and the problems of the world that we do not take enough time to glorify God. Yes, my friend, it is important for us to know that our principal responsibility here on earth (despite the ocean of duties we have to perform and obligations we need to fulfill) is to pray, get close to God through Jesus Christ. And we always forget that the highest form of prayer you can do, my friend, is the adoration of the infinite God. You see, the Word of God tells us that God created the angels for one main purpose: to glorify the Holy Trinity by their incessant prayer of contemplation of the infinite majesty of God. Now, as Christians, we can imitate the angels in their twofold role of adoring God and serving the needs of others.we also learn from the Word that one day we will share this glory through Christ. However, what we should know today is that glorifying God includes serving His divine majesty. As this passage says, we have two actions on our part that make up the action of glorifying God. First, we “ascribe” or give glory to Him because it is His due. Second, we also glorify God by rehearsing His attributes and His deeds. My friends, even in hard times, we should glorify our God. Yes, just read Acts 7 to see Stephen, who was glorifying God as he was being stoned to death over his faith and the Bible says, the crowd who heard Stephen hated what he said, covering their ears and rushing at him to stone him. But He is more than pleased by when we glorify Him, so look at what He showed Stephen: “But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55). Today, take time to glorify the Lord by extolling His attributes: His holiness, faithfulness, mercy, grace, love, majesty, sovereignty, power, and omniscience, to name just a few. Repeat them over and over in your mind and tell the others about the singular nature of the salvation He offers. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.y, sovereignty, power, and omniscience, to name just a few. Repeat them over and over in your mind and tell the others about the singular nature of the salvation He offers. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

