It’s hard to imagine greater promises than the ones that God made to Abram and if reasoning with our human minds, we cannot see how any of those promises could have come true. My brother, my sister, Abram was blessed, but the world has been far more blessed through him by the coming of Jesus Christ as the world’s Saviour. But the Good News that comes with the story of Abram is that everything seemed to disqualify him from whatever God was promising… yet, through Abram’s faith, God’s promises materialised.
First of all, God asked Abram to leave his country, people, and Fathers household to go to an unknown destination. You truly need to have faith in God to stand up and go without asking God why? Where am I going? Yet, that’s what Abram did! And, this departure was a separation from all that gave him a sense of security: he was leaving behind tribal religion, family, friends, etc… to be exposed to all the dangers of a new homeland… what a time of isolation! Yet, Abram accepted it without asking God why? where? How many believers keep asking God why? where? since they accepted Christ? Secondly, Abram and Sarai were childless and quite old. So, the obvious problem (in human mind) to building a nation through Abram was that there was no one to build it through Abram.
My friend, the Bible says “Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead–since he was about a hundred years old–and that Sarah’s womb was also dead” (Romans 4:19). Yes, WITHOUT WEAKENING IN HIS FAITH! This is Abram’ secret: there are promises than can come to life only through faith! There are things God wants to do in your life… but it can happen only through your complete faith and trust in the Lord. My friend, as long as you belong to the category of “those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified” (Romans 8:30) because of Christ’s sacrifice, know that much of what you may consider as disqualifications in respect of your faith, your service, your hope of a more prosperous life, of a breakthrough, of healing, restoration or deliverance, God may consider it as a fertile ground where His grace would abound. God did not bring in something new into Abram’s life before blesing him. He used all Abram already had: He used their old age, He used their obedience. He used his faith. The Bible says: “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments” (Deuteronomy 7:9). As partakers of the inheritance of Abram, we have access to all his blessings. But His blessings came to Him through faith in God alone… only through faith can we therefore access them. How is your faith in God’s promises? Doubtful, wavering or steady? Abram never questioned God: even when God asked him to offer Isaac later, he did not question God at all… stood up and he obeyed, not knowing what God was going to do. But, knowing that God does not contradict His Word, in faith he said to his servants he was going to return with his son after offering God the sacrifices he ahd asked him for (Genesis 22:5)… My friend, with unwavering faith, we can give birth to the blessings that are awaiting us in the heavenly places. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.