Self-control or the lack of self-control, temperance and self-discipline are the main things that lead many people of God to continue living in sin or no to refrain from sinning. My brother, my sister, let me tell you a little story that happened yesterday: I took my son to parents’ evening and when we finished, a lady asked us to answer a questionnaire. I was not willing to. Then… we saw the nice looking pens they had put on the table for parents to fill the questionnaire. The pens convinced me to actually! I old my son, let me fill the questionnaire and take one of the pens because they are so nice. When I finished, I put the pen down instead of putting it in my bag. My son asked me if I was not taking it. I answered… the pens were put here for all parents to use and leave, besides there is a CCTV and I don’t want to be recorded as the stealing mother. My son said: those CCTVs are not even working. I answered: I don’t mind those ones, it is the CCTV in heaven that scares me. We both laughed as we were walking out.
My friend, how often do we forget about the fact that God’s eyes are wide open and seeing even the things men don’t see us doing? This is only because we lack self-control, we lack temperance and self-discipline. Imagine a pen that costs not even £1 labeling you or me as a thief in heaven! How much more all those things we have been doing thinking nobody is around, so what? Let’s not forget “that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken” (Matthew 12:36), “each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop judging one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way of a brother or sister” (Romans 14:12-13). My friends, this is serious and telling us how important it is to develop the fruit of the Spirit: God is watching over us and He is also watching us… One does not go without the other and let’s not take His grace for granted in order not to be badly surprised when Jesus returns. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.