Today’s passage tells us about the untimely death of two brothers who took for granted who God was. Nadab and Abihu were Aaron’s sons. The Bible tells us that at some point they followed the Lord wholeheartedly (Leviticus 8:36). But, at a crucial moment, they chose to treat the things of God with indifference, ignoring the clear instructions of God. My brother, my sister, God is the same yesterda…y, today and tomorrow.
You see, just like these two brothers who suffered the consequences of their sin in a fiery, instant and shocking way. we too still suffer from the consequences of our sins. The fact is, we are in danger of making the same mistake as these brothers when we treat lightly the justice and holiness of God. We must draw near to God while realizing that there is a proper fear of God. Also, we must never forget that the opportunity given to us to get to know God personally comes from His gracious invitation to us, and therefore this should not be taken for granted, especially as we realise the sacrifice of the Cross, for without it, we would have remained unworthy before God. My friend, do your thoughts about God include a humble recognition of his unthinkable holiness? Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.