TODAY’S MEDITATION – Meekness and humility are attitudes of heart (Matthew 11:29-30)

Today, many people, including believers, exhibit behaviours that do not correspond to their real personality, instead of calling on the Holy Spirit to help them change for real. My brother, my sister, showing yourself meek and humble doesn’t automatically make you meek and humble. This is why the Bible says that we recognize them by the fruit they bear (Matthew 7:16). Yes, though this verse mainly applies to false preachers, it also applies to all of us who call ourselves Christians, as it is not only to the prophets that Jesus is saying that: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven…. ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matthew 7:21-23). Yes, my friends, we should learn to be meek and humble… As we see in the Bible, meekness is an attitude and quality of heart, not something you can see. and the Bible says, it is an attitude “which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:4). You know why? Because when you are meek and humble you will no longer be in the forefront and you will no longer be more concerned by yourself, by your own opinion, your own ideas and wishes. When you are meek, you will be willing to put yourself in the second place and submit yourself to achieve what is good for others. Meekness is the opposite of self-will, self-interest, and self-assertiveness. Some people may think a meek person is a weak person. Certainly not, a meek person is someone whose spirit “is of great worth in God’s sight”(1 Peter 3:4). My friends, your meekness will also show how humble you are, because humility is a quality of mind (Acts 20:19 that will always urge you to put yourself or your opinion aside to accomplish the will of God first. Moreover, spiritually, when you belittle yourself, aware of your sinful nature, you will be ready and to depend on God. As you are reading this Word of Faith, let the Lord speak to your heart and help you to position or reposition your heart and mind, to please Him.. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

