There is something interesting in reading the Bible more and more: you get to find out that each word has a specific revelation where it is placed. My brother, my sister, The Lord gave us His Word to be not only a lamp unto our feet, but also a light on our path. Now, we know that both (lamp and light) are meant to disclose what is hidden in darkness or what is invisible without lightning. When we reflect on these two words, we get to understand why the Lord asks us not to worry many times in the Word. My friend, His Word is a lamp unto your feet. You see, this lamp is not to show you the whole road you want to take. Just like a candle, the Word of God shines enough light to show you where to place your next step but no more. This is to prevent you from bumping against something that you could not see or to hurt yourself. Moreover, the Word of God is a light unto your path. What is a path? It is a track made by people or animals walking over the ground, for a purpose: to walk or move from one place to another. As Christians, our paths are already designed by the Lord Himself and He wants us to walk on them to get to where He wants us to be. Because He knows the enemy’s darkness is covering the world, did not only asked the Lord to protect us : “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one” (John 17:15), He also provided His Word for us to be able to walk along a sure path without pitfalls. My friend, don’t be satisfied with the lighting of the lamp only, because, in the same way the star over Bethlehem guided the wise men on their journey to see the new-born Christ, the light of God’s Word helps you to see your destination and set your course. So, allow Jesus Christ, the “light of the world” and the Word made flesh, to illuminate your pathway and give you the direction you need to find your way through every situation you face. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.