TODAY’S MEDITATION – Let’s seek to have Peter’s boldness (Acts 9:40-41)
Today’s passage says this: … 40 Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up. 41 He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called for the believers, especially the widows, and presented her to them alive.
Sometimes, we read the Word of God forgetting that the men and women that God used for amazing miracles were just like us. Peter is called because Dorcas has died. And he stands up “at once” to go along with the messengers from Joppa. My brother, my sister, what assurance! what boldness! If it was you and I, what would we have done? Of course, we would have followed the messengers to go and… mourn or assist the people in this terrible time, isn’t it? Obviously, Peter knew that these people had not walked about 11 miles to come and look for him just to mourn for Dorcas. Surely, there was a great deal at stake in the Apostle Peter going back to Joppa with these men: what would happen if he got there and no miracle happened? What would happen if he got there and attempted to raise Tabitha from the dead and nothing happened? Would the cause of Jesus be harmed and would people think him foolish? Yes, it is so easy for us today to read these stories and forget that they involved real flesh and blood people like us. Peter’s pride, his reputation and the ongoing mission of Jesus was at stake. If Peter went and nothing happened then the whole movement of Jesus’ might could have been greatly hindered and Peter could have been discredited if not called a charlatan.
Oh God is really good: verse 39 shows us that Peter filled with faith (and no doubt or anxiety) went back with these two men to Joppa. My friend, I am sure that Peter did a lot of praying and seeking God’s will as they walked along. I am sure that because He knew who the Lord is and that He had seen Jesus raise the dead, He also knew Jesus could not let Him down when he calls on Him. And the amazing part of this story is that, once Peter arrived in Joppa, HE DID EXACTLY WHAT HE HAD SEEN JESUS DO when the daughter of Jarius was resurrected (Luke 8:49-56): Peter sent everyone out of the upper room where Dorcas laid to be alone and to pray to God. In today’s church, we enjoy shows, how sad! And this is perhaps the reason why fake miracles are more common than the true manifestation of the power of God, and therefore, no revival occurs both in the church or around the church! My friend, there was no show, no public and Peter was simply been led to say three powerful words – TABITHA, GET UP. Tabitha immediately began to open her eyes and when she saw Peter, she sat up (verses 40-41). And the glory of God revealed brought a great revival in the region.
My friend, we need to understand that there was something very special about Peter for God to use Him this way.As a human being like you and me, there was nothing special about Peter. But what made the difference was the anointing that was on his life and the fact that he had given over everything to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit… Peter was completely sold out to the Lord! My friend, you need to be completely surrendered and be willing to accomplish the impossible for the cause of Jesus to have such boldness and see God support the anointing that is on your life:t will not come just because you pray to have more courage and more anointing… it is above all a matter of dependence on and total dedication to the Lord! Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.