So many times we are hurt and feel the pain so deep down our hearts that it weighs our mind and faith. My brother, my sister, Jesus is the best friend you can ever have and count on in this life. It is not because you don’t see Him with your physical eyes that it means He does not see you! Jesus knows what you are going through. When you hide yourself in your bedroom to cry, He is there with you. When you stand before the others smiling while your heart is bleeding, Jesus is by your side. Yes, He is willing to protect us as a hen protects her chicks under her wings, but do we really let Him do so?
You see, you reject the Lord’s help whenever you turn to man first because it is like you don’t realise that He is so near you, or you think He cannot give you the help you need. Now, always bear this is mind: no human being knows your needs better than your Creator. So, as you turn to Jesus in times of need, you will find His help and comfort, and not only that: He will also lead your path to avoid getting back into the situation that caused the pain. So, my friend, draw nearer to Jesus every day. He is there, near you through His Spirit. It may be because you have ignored His presence daily that your daily life may look gloomy, sound unreasonable or even feel unbearable. He carried all your burdens on your behalf on the Cross so that your life would be lighter today and tomorrow. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.