TODAY’S MEDITATION – Jesus defeated all the forces of evil for you (Revelation 5:4-6)

In the Bible, Jesus is pictured as both the Lamb who submits to God’s will and the Lion who has authority and power. My brother, my sister, Christ the Lamb was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all and he won the greatest battle of all by defeating all the forces of evil by dying on the cross. That is why only Christ can save you from the terrible events revealed by the scroll (verse 5). Yes, my friend, Christ the Lion is victorious because of what Christ the Lamb of God (John 1:29) did. And, we participate in His victory, not because of our efforts, goodness or good works, but ONLY because He has promised eternal life to all who believe in Him. And when He returns, we will share in His glory because it is only through Him that we have become children of God. Therefore, whatever you are going through in your life, set your eyes on Christ, knowing it will not last because evil forces who are trying to undermine you have been defeated forever. Stay blessed in Jesus.

