This was the response Jesus gave His disciples when they asked Him to increase their faith (verse 5). My brother, my sister, are you wondering how to increase your faith? Then know that you are not the only one in this case. You see, to understand this, we need to read the verses preceding their request (verse 1-5) that make the disciples’ request genuine as they realised they wanted the faith necessary for them to exercise such radical forgiveness. As usual, Jesus did not answer them directly. Why? Because the amount of faith you have is not as important as its authenticity. My friend, what is faith? It is a total trust and your faithfulness to God that result in your desire to do His will. Faith is not something we use to put on a show for others to see. It is complete and humble obedience to God’s will, readiness to do whatever He calls us to do. Therefore, the amount of faith you have is not as important as the authentic and real faith you have. That’s why the Lord said if we had faith as small as a mustard seed, we would do great things in His name and for His glory. Now, have you ever seen a mustard seed? It is small, but it is alive and growing. Almost invisible at first, once planted, the seed will first begin to spread under the floor before becoming visible. My friend, like a tiny seed, a small amount of genuine faith in God will take root and grow in you. The problem with many believers today is that they want all-made recipes. There is no other recipe to grow your faith, except for your total confidence in our Almighty God! If you truly trust God as small as a mustard seed, gradually the change will start within you. Yes, it may not be visible right away, but in faith trust that this change is happening… and this faith will soon produce major results that will uproot and destroy doubt in you. My friend, you don’t need more faith as you may think you do right now: a tiny seed of faith is enough if it is alive and growing within you! Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]