My brother, my sister, be contented with what you have and trust the Lord! “ O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him” (Psalm 34:8).
Today, I feel like giving this testimony to encourage someone.
Yesterday morning, it was raining in my town. I took a picture of myself walking. Then I posted it with this message to my friends on What’s up: “Enjoying a rainy walk. God is good oh… My BM double-foot are walking well, well. Give thanks to God in all situations! From someone who owns 2 cars but has been car-less for the third week. Hope this helps someone to become less focused about what they don’t have, but appreciate what they have”. It was around noon.
Now comes the TESTIMONY that I sent the same people at 9.30pm: I was at church and had just finished the Bible Study when the mechanics called me. I was so surprised that I handed my phone to my son saying go and see what he wants. The man had driven one of my cars up to my house and parked it EXACTLY where I always do on a side road (not in front of my house, where I always park the other car). When I went down to meet them, I called my son to ask where they were, my son says where you always park the BMW. Then the mechanics told me that he thought I lived where he had parked. God knows everything. Now because I obviously did not expect him to bring me the car at 8.30pm, I had no money for him. I said let me go to the cash machine to get money to pay you. He said ‘no worries. I just wanted to test drive it, so I thought of just bringing it to you directly. You will give me money when you can.’ Alleluia oooooh….
My friends, let’s learn to be contented with what we have and know that God is in control. No matter what seems to be blocked in your life, no matter what you have been waiting for, wait on the Lord patiently: He will bring it on special delivery at the time you may not expect it… Three weeks ago both cars broke down, at the same time, last week the mechanics said he had too much work and he was going to look at my car when he can. I answered: ‘that’s fine… I have my feet to walk, take your time.’ My friend, I have been praising God and thanking Him for making me healthy, and fit and for giving me feet to walk around. I could have shouted at this man when he said he did not have time to work on my cars after they had been with him more than ten days… I could have complained yesterday morning that I had no car, no umbrella and walking in the rain or find an excuse not to go out and do what I had to do… But I chose to praise my Lord. And Because He is faithful and saw me under the rain in the morning, and being thankful about it He did not want me under the rain tomorrow. The Bible says: “be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Yes, God had not forsaken me during the last three weeks… If only we could truly trust Him!
Thank you Lord Jesus for your faithfulness and your love… teach us to fully trust you. Stay blessed in Jesus name.