TODAY’S MEDITATION – “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that” (James 4:15)

Acknowledging God’s will in our lives is something that many people, including Christians, find very hard to do. Why? Because many people want the benefits of God’s grace, yet they do not acknowledge Him for who He is: the Almighty, the Omniscient, Omnipresent God and their Creator! My brother, my sister, when you talk, make plans, and even implements those plans with a total disregard for the will of God, regardless of what you may say or believe, you are out of line. Know that, the proof of what you believe in is not found in what you say, but in how you live. Many people today profess to believe in God, nevertheless they continue to live as if He does not exist. Of course no one would never say that in words, yet the way we live shows, from time to time, that we have become so used to the grace of God that we take it for granted. Today, the Word of God is reminding us that our dependence should be on the Lord rather than on a well thought out plan, because a plan made without God remains a plan of man! Let’s determine to change my friends, for many people often make plans not only leaving God out of them but also boasting about what they were going to do. And when those man-planning fail, either they blame the Lord for not being with them or accuse others than themselves. In everything, we should always associate God first : “n their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” (Proverbs 16:9). Let me remind you that associating the Lord does not mean imposing Him our desires, it means, being ready to listen to and accept His guidance and follow it too, for sometimes we want to do something, but the Lord who knows it all may know that that thing we want is not good for us and will not allow it. His will should be our light when planning for our lives, our family, our businesses, etc… Yes, like Moses, always stop and tell the Lord you will know go or do anything without Him (Exodus 33:15). Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

