TODAY’S MEDITATION – “I take Joy in doing your will, my God” (Psalm 40:7-8)

The Will of God. This is something many believers find difficult to know about their lives. My brother, my sister, Jesus portrayed showed us how to recognize the will of God for our lives by obeying and serving God: “‘My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work” (John 4:34) and “By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me” (John 5:30). Yes, my friend, God’s will is simply that you live for Him today, giving your life as a living sacrifice to Him, and in return He will take you to where He wants you to be and use you as it pleases Him. Therefore, whatever plan you have first and always seek to determine if the Lord has given the ability to do it, because that can determine His will for you. Then wait patiently as you ask Him for the time to do it because whatever you do that is in God’s will, God Himself will open doors or means to enable you to use the talents He has given you. My friend, finding the will of God for your life is quite simple because God’s will is revealed when you live your life daily for the Lord, in obedience. Yes, it is God’s will that you obey Him and that trust in Him every day, no matter the circumstances. Today, everyone of us should surrender their life to the Lord, and through self-examination, check if their way of living is in agreement with the Word of God. My brother, my sister, if there is any sin or infidelity in your life, confess it and repent, turning to Him so as to allow Him to act powerfully in your life according to His own plans for you. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

