Here we see all the disciples of Jesus declaring that they would die before denying Him: “Peter declared, ‘Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.’ And all the other disciples said the same”. A few hours later, however, all of them scattered. My brother, my sister, talk is cheap! It is very easy to say things… Many believers say they are devoted to Christ, but their claims are meaningful only when they are tested through persecution. How strong is your faith? How deep is your integrity? How faithful are you to the Lord? My friend, you will never know until you go through intense trial. Even the disciples who walked with Jesus could not handle it when faced with death: as soon as Jesus was arrested as a criminal, “all the disciples deserted him and fled” (Matthew 26:56). My friends, let’s learn to be sincere with ourselves regarding our faith. That’s all the Lord expect from us. He knows are weaknesses and He is willing to help us overcome them but also to test us for us for us to know exactly if our faith is as strong as we may claim or if it is enough to enable us to stand up for Him under trial and persecution. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [retweet] [facebook]