How do you praise the Lord on a daily basis? My brother, my sister, we can sing about Him, tell others about Him, worship Him, give Him glory, bring offerings to Him, and live holy lives. Yes there are many ways we can praise Jesus. But, most often, we are so much focused on what we need or want, that we forget that the greatest prayer we can do is praising the Lord always, no matter what is going on in our lives.
Today, let’s all reflect on God’s majesty and His goodness to us, and realise the benefit of telling others about Him, the benefit of singing a new song to the Lord. True enough that witnessing comes naturally when our hearts are full of appreciation for what He has done. But what about the times of trouble? Remember that it is when in prison and threatened to be killed that Paul and Silas prayed and praised the Lord… and the prison doors were miraculously opened. How do you praise the Lord? The Bible says: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:4). If you know that there is nothing you are going through that is a surprise to God, today, turn to Him with praise and thanksgiving for your situation, whether it is good or bad in your eyes, for what may look bad in our eyes is still good for God, so praise the Lord instead of relying on your feelings that fluctuate. My friend, today, change your song: praise Jesus by singing a new song, a song of hope, a song of restoration, a song of a breakthrough, a song of abundance, a song of deliverance… and let the whole earth hear you sing to the Lord. Yes, “proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples” (Psalm 96:2-3). Also remember that it is what you believe in (what you have faith in) that is likely to happen to you: as you praise the Lord, you are actually turning your life towards a life of praise and joy! Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.