To finish on our topic on God’s will, it seems important to see how we can align our will God. My brother,my sister, the Lord declares “my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (Isaiah 55:8-9). Therefore we should understand the necessity to align our will, our thoughts and ways with God’s because, before coming to Christ, we did only the will of our flesh and minds (Ephesians 2:3), but now as children of God, we are to understand and do the will of God (Ephesians 5:17). How can we do that? When people are young in their Christian lives, they learn submission to God’s will through prayer and the Word of God. Young believers do not always know how to pray according to the will of God because that is something people learn as time goes on and as their knowledge of the Word increases. Indeed, through prayer, you will learn to discern the will of God as you learn to submit to His principles. For example, when God does not give us what we ask, we start asking Him why, while the answer could be simple: what we are asking may not be in His will. But if you do not understand this principle, you will become depressed or confused and start murmuring or even turn your back on God. But instead, when you truly want to align your will to His, you should rather say: “Thank you Lord for not granting me what I asked for. You know everything, so I believe that it is not your will and therefore it was not good for me.” Imagine you are asking the Lord for money for something. You see, maybe you have not evaluated all the other means God has made available for you and He knows that, like some people who are counting ways to sin with the gifts He has given them, adding money to your pockets could be harmful to you. If you truly look at things not in an earthly way, you will also understand why God doesn’t grant you everything you ask for. He only grants what He has ordained anyway! My friend, so you should always keep in mind that the condition for effectual prayer is that there should be no conflict between God’s will and yours. You must learn to say, “To me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” In other words, you must deny yourself things you may want, take up your cross and follow Jesus. You must sincerely say, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). You must realise that the will of God alone is good, pleasing, and perfect, so that when your will conflicts with His will and He does not give you what you are asking Him for, it is because He wants you to access what He has in store for you, which is good and perfect. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]