Today’s societies are so much affected by sin so much that even government leaders and people in general are lead by deceit and dishonesty, which has ruined families, the core of societies and even our churches. My brother, my sister, these things happened in the past as we can read in tyis chapter, so much that the only way left to purify the people again was God’s judgment, which was supposed to draw people back to Him and restore them from inside out. My friend, we too are living in an age when religions, political ideologies and doctrines are spreading faster than righteousness. Yet, as Micah points out, God still expects us “to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Him” (Micah 6:8). Yes, God does not want your offerings or any sacrifices, for He has already provided the ultimate sacrifice for you, Christ! But He wants you to make the difference in this fallen world by acting justly and doing what is right; in this world of tough breaks, He wants you to be merciful, in this world of pride and self-sufficiency, He wants you to walk humbly with Him. It’s only when we live according to God’s way will will we begin to affect our homes, our societies and this world. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]