Today’s passage says this: “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” My brother, my sister, one thing that unbelievers always look at when they see the believers is what has really changed since we started walking with Christ. Do you measure that it is the new person you become in Christ who can make a difference in this worl…d?
One thing that many believers or new converts ignore is that the new life we receive in Christ starts at the second we accept Him: Jesus does His part by allowing His Spirit to starts dwelling in us as it was promised, so our old man dies that very instant. The confusion in many people’s mind is that because the Holy Spirit dwells in them, their ill feelings or bad character will also be renewed automatically. NO… God is Spirit and He takes care of what is spirit in us above our fluctuating feelings. Besides, the Bible says He examines our hearts. Why? To see how willing we are to surrender to Him so He can work His will in us and through us.
My friend, through His Spirit, the Lord gives us the strength to overcome our shortcomings, which means WE have to make our own decisions to be renewed; we have to do our part for example by staying away from the place of temptation: imagine someone battling with smoking; once you have allowed the Spirit of God to help you out of it, your part will also be to avoid getting into places where people smoke all day, and even at some point choose not to buy cigarettes, for as much as you can decide to buy cigarettes, you can also decide not to. Then the Spirit will help you overcome the addiction until you get the victory, allowing the old man who died on the cross to make room for the new creature in Christ you have become.
Many people are asking God to do things that He won’t do… He can do, but He won’t. Why? Because He clearly says this: “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). My friend, the new life received in Christ is already done. It’s up to you to choose to become a new person, that others can see and say: “that’s a new person”. Jesus has done His invisible, spiritual part… what about your part? Have you done it or are you sleeping peacefully on your laurels waiting for the return of the Lord to sneak into heaven alone: never forget that your part can help others to find their way to salvation too. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.