In this passage, King Jehoshaphat made an alliance with evil King Ahab of Israel. Together, they decided to attack Ramoth-gilead and rout the Arameans who occupied the city. But, Jehoshaphat first wanted to seek the advice of a prophet. Ahab’s prophets predicted victory, Micaiah predicted defeat. The two kings were defeated anyway, and Ahab was killed. My brother, my sister, even if you are deeply committed to the Lord, do you sometimes make compromises with unbelievers for your own benefit?
You see, Jehoshaphat started compromising with the devil by arranging his son’s marriage to Athaliah, the daughter of the wicked King Ahab (verse 1) while it is obvious that Ahab was more interested in Jehoshaphat’s popularity and power. Sometimes, like Jehoshaphat, we do things we deem good for us, then seek God’s guidance after, but even if God allows us to continue in what we have already engaged ourselves into, there can be heavy consequences: Jehoshaphat ended up incurring God’s anger (2 Chronicles 19:2); when Jehoshaphat’s grandson died, Athaliah seized the throne and almost destroyed all of David’s descendants (2 Chronicles 22:10-12) and she eventually brought the evil practices of Israel into Judah, which led to the nation’s downfall.
My friend, when we, the believers, especially believers in leadership positions, become allied with unbelievers, our values can be compromised and spiritual awareness dulled. The Bible clearly and often warns us against teaming up with unbelievers. Are you, like Jehoshaphat too sure of yourself, sure you can handle everything and control the whole situation despite what the Word of God says? Beware, for God’s Word is the only truth and God knows why He has told us this: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14). Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.