We have to have humility and a willing spirit. King David in his great penitential prayer asked God: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me!” (Psalm 51:12). My brother, my sister, you have to be willing to listen to Jesus and do what He says. Most of people would say they are humble. But Humility without a willing spirit is no humility.
Let’s return to the episode of Jesus appearing to His disciples, after they had fished all night long and caught no fish. You see, the disciples were professional fishermen. They knew all about fishing, so they had to be humble enough to do what Jesus said rather than trusting what they had personally learned about fishing. You see, these people heard a voice from the shore, without seeing the face of that person, they listened and obeyed the voice. Does it not ring a bell to you? Jesus said: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Are we really the Lord’s sheep when we can’t even recognize His voice? Are we really his sheep when we do hear His voice but we do not follow it? Following Jesus is listening to Him above all. Moreover, this verse also tells us that, contrary to what many people are looking for today, namely to SEE Jesus to believe in what He can do in their lives… He does not want us to see Him to believe, but He wants us to believe believe in His Word, for He is in His Word.
What Jesus was asking His disciples was not different from what they had been doing all night. But when it comes to following the Lord, we shouldn’t rely on our knowledge or training. Jesus wants us to have a teachable spirit. There is no humility without a teachable mind or a willing spirit. There are some people to whom you simply can’t tell anything, because they think they already know it all. They don’t want your advice. They don’t want to hear it and so they never learn. And even when they listen, nothing gets in because it does not come from them. My friend, Jesus cannot speak or use someone who is not teachable, because He is the only Great Teacher. Today, as you read this verse, you should understand that a willing spirit will sustain you in your walk with the Lord. You need it to keep going, to keep growing, to keep moving forward with Christ. So, let’s pray always that He will grant us with a willing spirit, for a willing spirit will help us learn to desire to do what is pleasing to God. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.