Today’s passage is about the short book of Habakkuk. When Habakkuk was troubled because the world was going bad, evil deeds, misery, destruction and violence was everywhere… he brought his concerns directly to God. My brother, my sister, whenever you bring your concern to God, how do you react after?
You see, God wants us to come to Him with our struggles and doubts. His answers may not be what we expect, however! Sometimes, our main problem is that we are not prepared to accept God’s answer and that is the reason why we spend more time complaining and crying about ourselves that we don’t even listen to Him guiding us, consoling us and protecting us. My friend, because of the sacrifice of the cross, we have access to unnumbered privileges and one of them is that God sustains us by revealing Himself to us. In fact, Habakkuk’s example should encourage us as we struggle to move from doubt to faith: after receiving God’s answer, he responded with a prayer of faith.
Habakkuk had many questions and concerns and God responded by stating that He would do amazing acts that would astound Habakkuk (Habakkuk 1:5). My friend, when circumstances around you become almost unbearable and you wonder if God has forgotten you, remember that He is in control, He has a plan and He will carry it out in His time. The problem is that we have a limited understanding of God and we sometimes lack to humble ourselves enough to be willing to accept His answers and await His timing. Jesus came into the world to give us hope. Hope means going beyond our unpleasant daily experiences to the joy of knowing God. That is the reason why God wants us to bring our struggles and doubts to Him, which is a way of trusting Him. But we tend to say we trust God only because of the benefits, happiness or success we may experience when all is well. My friend, our hope comes from the Lord alone. He can change any unwanted situation any difficult circumstance in a blink of an eye. He is all-powerful. He has a plan, and He will carry it out… in His time. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.