TODAY’S MEDITATION – God is in control, what about you? (John 19:10)

This passage depicts the trial of Jesus. It is interesting to note that throughout this trial, all the people around Jesus were agitated while Jesus was calm. My brother, my sister, when you are trialed how do you react?

Jesus remain in control! Pilate vacillated, not very sure of what decision to take. The religious leaders were excited and reacted out of hatred and anger. All this time, Jesus remained composed. Do you know why? Because He knew the truth, He knew God’s plan and He knew the reason for His trial… He knew that God was indeed in control of all the trial, from His accusation to the cross. This brings back to the main question: God is in control, what about you?

When you are going through difficulties, through unwanted situations, do you say ‘God is in control’ and that’s it? My friend, God has sent us into this world with a plan and He cannot be in control when we ourselves panic of doubt Him before trials. One of the fruit of the Spirit if self-control: so many believers lack it when their flesh, their pride, their self-esteem or whatever touches their feelings are affected… they lose the control but claim that God is in control. That’s not true. Only if you know that everything that happens to you (good or bad) is in control on God’s side will you be able to remain composed on your side too.

My friend, are you in control, not to say self-controlled before the things that are no working the way you think they should? Are you in control of the trials of your life or have the trials set the course of things in your life? If you are in control, then God may also be in control. If you are not, then God is not in control. He said He cannot allow you to be in a situation that you cannot handle. So if a situation has gone out of your control, it may now be controlled in a territory that has the right to manage it and God being a God of order is waiting for you to bring back the situation in His territory, so He can take control of it again. God is certainly not in control of situations that we give the devil through our sins, our lack of faith or simply our lack of self-control. God was in control of Jesus trial because Jesus kept His trust and remained composed (he did not try to justify His position, He did not complain or answer back, He did not try to be right, etc…) until the end, and God glorified His Holy name. That’s exactly what He wants to do in the lives of all His children. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.