TODAY’S MEDITATION – God does the best work for you in darkness (Genesis 1:1-2)

The Bible says: “darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (verse 2). My brother, my sister, the Bible says God, who is Light, works in the darkness. All darkness can do is to surround our Lord (Psalm 97:2) because His holiness is unapproachable and also because God is Light and “light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). What does it mean to us who believe? My friend, you may be going through a dark time in your life, chaos is causing you to feel without form due to instability or problems. Yes, there could even be total chaos in your life right now and you are trying to fill it in your own way (more than one job, work, drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, etc.)… But today, understand that you can do nothing by yourself, because the Word of God says it: in the dark, no one can work (John 9:4). Yes, just close your eyes and try to walk around all day long, even in places you already know. You will bump into things. However, the God who created the earth while it was still in the darkness, just like Jesus met you when you were in the world’s darkness, is the one who can get you through the darkness. You see, the Bible says, the Spirit of God moving around darkness, because the Spirit of God is not limited to the impossible and can move through YOUR darkness too; therefore, if you are lead by the Spirit in the midst of the darkness He will lead you around any obstacles and dangers that the devil has placed before you, for He said I will lead and guide you in all truth (John 16:13). And, the truth is that the Spirit of God will not let you bump into or fall over anything. So, whatever darkness is in your life or situation (debts that keep soaring, sickness, family or marriage problems, unemployment, etc.), don’t forget that GOD DOES HIS BEST WORK in the midst of darkness. So, just keep on holding on to Jesus’ loving and unchanging hand, as He is the only way to the Light of God. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

