Today’s verse says : “David reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for all his people”. My brother, my sister, how often do we or people around us try to do things to please others, but end up being disappointed or betrayed?
You see, the Bible tells us that God is right, God is just. What this tells us is that David was fair in interpreting the law, administering punishment and mercy, respec…ting people’s rights and recognizing people’s duty towards God. Is it any wonder that almost everyone trusted and followed him? And during his reign, David pleased his people: “All the people took note and were pleased; indeed, everything the king did pleased them” (2 Samuel 3:36). Now, let’s understand here that David was in fact working hard to please God, not the people directly. Often when we try to become popular, it does not work, because the praise of people is not that important and their interest for us is always short-lived as much as they find their own interest in us. So, my friend, don’t spend time devising ways to look good, to become accepted in the public eye. Instead, strive always to do what is right and just so that the Lord may be pleased with you. My friend, when you are behaving in a just and right way in the way you relate to people, you are only displaying a godly character which the Lord can acknowledge. Then, the Lord and people will respect your convictions. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.