Today’s passage says: “My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s body. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
When hard times come, many people, including believers, sometimes get confused or get mad at God thinking He is silent and doesn’t hear their prayers. My brother, my sister, if that is your case, then know that you are pointing your finger at the wrong person. We, the believers of Christ, need to stand in front of a mirror sometimes and ask ourselves why we were not paying attention. Just because we didn’t hear anything doesn’t mean God wasn’t talking to us.
My friend, you need to learn how God speaks to people and then pay attention to what He says. God tells people to pay attention because they are not doing it. Their hearts and minds are elsewhere and they then wonder why they are not hearing from Him. You see, the world is a place full of distractions. All kinds of electronic games and devices are created to distract you and me from the realities of life. If you allow it, you can be continually distracted from those things that are really important in life, things like hearing from God. You cannot hear Him when He speaks if your eyes are glued to some smartphone twenty-four hours a day. God will not force you to pay attention to the important things in life but, if you are wise, you will put that phone down and follow these instructions: “My son, pay attention to my wisdom; Lend your ear to my understanding” ( Proverbs 5:1). There is no point praying for wisdom of God’s guidance when you can’t pay attention to what He has to tell you. However, paying attention to God will protect your life from destruction and will cause you to succeed in life. There are no Spirit led disasters and those who experience such things were not paying attention to God as He was talking to them. This is hard for some people to accept because it’s easier to blame God than themselves but it is the truth nonetheless. God is always talking but are we always listening? The good news is that you can decide to start paying attention now and God will lead you from chaos to total restoration anyway. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.