NEEDS.WANTS.DESIRES. CONCERNS… four different words that bring confusion in the mind of many believers. Let’s go back to Genesis to understand that Jesus is asking us not to worry about those needs that God promises to supply.
After the fall of Adam and Eve and their separation from God, now that they realised that they were naked and started feeling ashamed and tried to hide from God, “The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21). My brother, my sister, Adam and Eve did not ask God for the garment. Because He was their Creator and knew they NEEDED to cover themselves up now, to stop hiding or suffer from shame, cold or sickness (now that they were exposed to the consequences of their disobedience) He provided them with protection against the harmful effects of any worry related to their health and comfort.
My friend, worry can damage your health, productivity and your relationship with others and extensively your relationship with God, as it brings along doubts and unnecessary questions that would reduce your ability to trust in Him. The fact is that there is a great difference between what you need, want, desire or concerned about. The Lord does not necessarily answer our wants because they could result from greed or ungrateful dissatisfaction about what we already have; He does not take care of our desires because they are mostly stemming from lust (as soon as we see, hear or smell something… now we want it). Sometimes He ignores our concerns because they can be the result of our fear or come from our mismanagement of what has already given us or even of our worry (Elijah wanted to die when he was threatened to death and asked God to allow Him to die, but God ignored his plea and gave him another mission anyway).
Therefore, ensure you truly need what you are asking God for. But let me tell you today that, if it really is a necessity, you don’t even have to ask for His intervention: He already knows it is a need and He will provide for you in His time anyway, but especially when and if you are well positioned to receive from Him, seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).
My friend, there is no negotiating with God. We are so used to bargaining about everything in the world, a trick Satan used when trying to negotiate with Jesus when he offered Jesus the world (Matthew 4:8), that we spend more time trying to bargain with the Word of God. Start aplying it like Jesus Himself did when facing temptation and anything that causes worry in your heart will find no place in your life and must disappear… Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.