‘Can I ever be perfect?’ This question is always in the minds of believers, especially new converts who think that it is hard to live to the standards and principles of God. My brother, my sister, today’s passage says this: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Now what does it means?
First, know that, in this life we cannot be flawless. But we can aspire to be as much of Christ as possible. Wh…y? Because our character cannot be perfect but can be perfected. Some people are trying to look holy or to live in holiness. The Bible tells us two things regarding this: like the Pharisees, we are to separate ourselves from the world’s sinful values. But unlike the Pharisees, we are to be devoted to God’s desires rather than our own and carry His love and mercy into the world… that is how we can live in holiness.
Now when we want to be perfected, it is important to seek maturity, spiritual maturity. We can’t achieve Christ-like character and holy living all at once, but we must grow towards maturity and wholeness in Christ. Just as we expect different behaviour from a baby, child, a teenager and an adult, so God expects different behaviour from us, depending on the stage of spiritual development. As Christians, we can seek to love others as completely as God loves us. Of course, even in that, we cannot be perfect but we can work towards perfection if and when our behaviour is appropriate for our maturity level.
My friend, perfection is a big word to say that there is room for us to grow spiritually and behave like Christ by willing to do the will of the Father. Therefore, our tendency to sin should never discourage us from striving to be more like Christ who is calling all of His disciples to excel, to rise above mediocrity, and to mature in every area, becoming like him. Yes, those who strive to become perfect will one day be perfect, even as Christ is perfect: “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears,[a] we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.” (1 John 3:2-3). Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.