Today’s passage reminds us that God will act when the right time has come. As much as children have difficulties grasping the concept of time when they are told ‘it’s not time yet’, it is also not easy for many believers to understand what God is doing in their lives. The same as for children, our understanding is limited and we cannot understand God’s perspective about time. My brother, my sister, when God is ready, in fact, when His time comes, He will do what needs to be done in your life, not necessarily what you would like Him to do.
Sometimes, we may be as impatient as children, but we must not doubt the wisdom of God’s timing. My friend, let’s learn to wait for God to reveal His plan. Besides, let’s learn not to take matters into your own hands. The fact is, God will always have the last word in every event in our lives. He is the one deciding on the final outcome of whatever we are going through, setting all matters that concern both the wicked and the godly. Yes, no matter how dark the days you face look, make it your continual practice to acknowledge God’s sovereignty over your life, your family, your little world. Instead, tell the Lord regularly how grateful you are that He has the final word over your life and situation.