Most of the time, believers like to say they are little gods… True enough. But what does it really imply? My brother, my sister, prosperity and wealth preachers will tell you that you are a little god because you are created by God, therefore you can declare prosperity or the things in life to become prosperous or change things in your lifer. Yes, you are a little god, but on this verse the Bible is saying that as a dearly loved child of God, you ought to follow God’s example. What does it mean really? It simply means that because God is LOVE, your life, your words, your actions have to be a demonstration of love, all the time! It means that, as God sent Jesus to die for you, even when He was betrayed, yet He demonstrated His love for us until the end, so you should be willing to lay down your own life and serve the others until the end. You see, when you demonstrate love, you will show people the God in you. God is love. And let me remind you today that every law in the Bible is hinged on LOVE. Without love it is impossible to please God. Being an imitator of God, is being willing to imitate Jesus as much as possible, doing what He did, serving others as He did, and loving as He loved, for Jesus, the Christ, gave all that He had (nothing was withheld, not even His very own life!) for you. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.